Source code for spyrmsd.molecule

import warnings
from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Union

import numpy as np

from spyrmsd import constants, graph, utils

[docs]class Molecule: def __init__( self, atomicnums: Union[np.ndarray, List[int]], coordinates: Union[np.ndarray, List[List[float]]], adjacency_matrix: Optional[Union[np.ndarray, List[List[int]]]] = None, ) -> None: """ Molecule initialisation. Parameters ---------- atomicnums: Union[np.ndarray, List[int]] Atomic numbers coordinates: Union[np.ndarray, List[List[float]]] Atomic coordinates adjacency_matrix: Union[np.ndarray, List[List[int]]], optional Molecular graph adjacency matrix Notes ----- A molecule is built from atomic numbers and atomic coordinates only. Optionally, a good representation of the molecular graph (obtained with OpenBabel or RDKit) can be stored as adjacency matrix. """ atomicnums = np.asarray(atomicnums, dtype=int) coordinates = np.asarray(coordinates, dtype=float) self.natoms: int = len(atomicnums) assert atomicnums.shape == (self.natoms,) assert coordinates.shape == (self.natoms, 3) self.atomicnums = atomicnums self.coordinates = coordinates self.stripped: bool = bool(np.all(atomicnums != 1)) if adjacency_matrix is not None: self.adjacency_matrix: np.ndarray = np.asarray(adjacency_matrix, dtype=int) # Molecular graph self.G: Dict[str, object] = {} self.masses: Optional[List[float]] = None
[docs] @classmethod def from_obabel(cls, obmol, adjacency: bool = True): """ Constructor from OpenBabel molecule. Parameters ---------- obmol: OpenBabel molecule adjacency: Flag to compute the adjacency matrix Returns ------- spyrmsd.molecule.Molecule :code:`spyrmsd` Molecule """ # TODO: Check if OpenBabel is available? from spyrmsd.optional import obabel as ob return ob.to_molecule(obmol, adjacency=adjacency)
[docs] @classmethod def from_rdkit(cls, rdmol, adjacency: bool = True): """ Constructor from RDKit molecule. Parameters ---------- rdmol: RDKit molecule adjacency: Flag to compute the adjacency matrix Returns ------- spyrmsd.molecule.Molecule :code:`spyrmsd` Molecule """ # TODO: Check if RDKit is available? from spyrmsd.optional import rdkit as rd return rd.to_molecule(rdmol, adjacency=adjacency)
[docs] def translate(self, vector: Union[np.ndarray, List[float]]) -> None: """ Translate molecule. Parameters ---------- vector: np.ndarray Translation vector (in 3D) """ assert len(vector) == 3 vector = np.asarray(vector) self.coordinates += vector
[docs] def rotate( self, angle: float, axis: Union[np.ndarray, List[float]], units: str = "rad" ) -> None: """ Rotate molecule. Parameters ---------- angle: float Rotation angle axis: np.ndarray Axis of rotation (in 3D) units: {"rad", "deg"} Units of the angle (radians `rad` or degrees `deg`) """ axis = np.asarray(axis) self.coordinates = utils.rotate(self.coordinates, angle, axis, units)
[docs] def center_of_mass(self) -> np.ndarray: """ Center of mass. Returns ------- np.ndarray Center of mass Notes ----- Atomic masses are cached. """ # Get masses and cache them if self.masses is None: self.masses = [constants.anum_to_mass[anum] for anum in self.atomicnums] return np.average(self.coordinates, axis=0, weights=self.masses)
[docs] def center_of_geometry(self) -> np.ndarray: """ Center of geometry. Returns ------- np.ndarray Center of geometry """ return utils.center_of_geometry(self.coordinates)
# TODO: Change name (to stripH)
[docs] def strip(self) -> None: """ Strip hydrogen atoms. """ if not self.stripped: idx = self.atomicnums != 1 # Non-hydrogen atoms # Strip self.atomicnums = self.atomicnums[idx] self.coordinates = self.coordinates[idx, :] # Update number of atoms self.natoms = len(self.atomicnums) # Update adjacency matrix if self.adjacency_matrix is not None: self.adjacency_matrix = self.adjacency_matrix[np.ix_(idx, idx)] # Reset molecular graph when stripping self.G = {} self.stripped = True
[docs] def to_graph(self): """ Convert molecule to graph. Returns ------- Graph Molecular graph. Notes ----- If the molecule does not have an associated adjacency matrix, a simple bond perception is used. The molecular graph is cached per backend. """ _current_backend = graph._current_backend if _current_backend not in self.G.keys(): try: self.G[_current_backend] = graph.graph_from_adjacency_matrix( self.adjacency_matrix, self.atomicnums ) except AttributeError: warnings.warn( "Molecule was not initialized with an adjacency matrix. " + "Using bond perception..." ) # Automatic bond perception (with very simple rule) self.adjacency_matrix = graph.adjacency_matrix_from_atomic_coordinates( self.atomicnums, self.coordinates ) self.G[_current_backend] = graph.graph_from_adjacency_matrix( self.adjacency_matrix, self.atomicnums ) return self.G[_current_backend]
def __len__(self) -> int: """ Molecule size. Returns ------- int Number of atoms within the molecule """ return self.natoms
[docs]def coords_from_molecule(mol: Molecule, center: bool = False) -> np.ndarray: """ Atomic coordinates from molecule. Parameters ---------- mol: molecule.Molecule Molecule center: bool Center flag Returns ------- np.ndarray Atomic coordinates (possibly centred) Notes ----- Atomic coordinates are centred according to the center of geometry, not the center of mass. """ if center: coords = mol.coordinates - mol.center_of_geometry() else: coords = mol.coordinates return coords